Posts Tagged ‘Secular music’

I am writing this devotional today to attack an issue arising in modern day churches: the use of secular music during corporate worship. For anyone who reads this, I would love to hear your honest opinions on this subject.

At the church my wife and I attend, the worship team suddenly begun playing secular music like Edwin McCain, Journey, etc. to go along with a sermon series on Love. But what I am confused about is how those secular songs have anything to do with God. And isn’t that the purpose of worship? If you take praise, glory and thanksgiving to God out of the songs you sing in church, then are we even worshipping at all? Or are we merely entertaining and putting on a show?

My opinion is that this is unacceptable music. Now, I’m no religious, traditional man, but I think there is such a thing as sound doctrine and that is something vital to the spiritual growth of a church. How can I properly fall on my knees or raise my hands in worship when the songs being sung have NOTHING to do with the One I desire to worship? These recent events have made me heartbroken for our church. I have even attempted to bring the issue up to the leaders, and have been turned away; their reasoning: I’m too immature to have a proper perspective on the issue. That sounds to me like someone who has a control problem and is too prideful to admit fault.

My purpose here isn’t to bash my church or the leaders of that church, but does anyone understand my point? My church wants to ‘engage the culture,’ but isn’t the culture living in darkness? ‘Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?’ (2 Corinthians 6:14). I think the devil has his hand in a great number of things in the church and this is one of the growing problems, a disease spreading amongst modern churches. I think as Christians, we need to pull this weed from the root and toss it into the fire. Secular music for the sake of reaching our culture is a lie of the devil, and it destroys the sanctity of God’s holy temple.

What are your thoughts?