Posts Tagged ‘power of the holy spirit’

Looking at Acts chapter 5, we see some incredible things happening in and through the apostles by the Holy Spirit. In the beginning, Ananias and Sapphira (husband and wife who lied about how much money they earned from selling their  field) were struck dead by the Holy Spirit. We learn an important lesson here from Peter: ‘You have not lied to man but to God’ (See verse 4). Now this by no means implies that every time we lie, the Holy Spirit will strike us dead. However, we must look at how incredibly powerful the Spirit of God is. We cannot despise the Holy Spirit or act as though He isn’t part of God.

The apostles were absolutely on fire for God. They believed ever so strongly in the power of the Holy Spirit (see verse 32). Verse 12 says, ‘Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the apostles.’ The apostles were so close in their relationship to God that many signs and wonders were done regularly by their hands. The people even began to bring the sick to the streets so Peter’s shadow might fall on them (see verse 15). What’s incredible is that the more sincere and bold we are, indeed the more we ignore what matters to man and devote ourselves to what matters to God, then the more powerful the Holy Spirit will be in our lives. It says in verse 16 that all who were brought before the apostles were healed! This is incredible! Do we, in our comfortable lifestyles, believe that healing exists today? Are we confident that if we live obediently to God in everything, that such things will happen through us by the power of the Holy Spirit? I personally believe our faith is wavering. These things are real! But we treat them as fairy tales.

Continuing on, we see the Holy Spirit act in a more powerful way when the apostles are arrested. He sets them free without anyone noticing! (See verse 17-25). Let’s be honest: weird things happen when the Holy Spirit is present. Being filled with the Holy Spirit can be scary with all the strange things talked about in the Bible regarding Him. But we should not be uncomfortable with this. We should be a Spirit filled people. And when we are, we can be certain that suffering and persecution are waiting for us. Indeed, the apostles suffered time and time again for the name of Jesus (See verse 40-42). They were beaten and only rejoiced afterwards! Then, they continued to preach and teach. The Bible says, ‘they did not cease…’ How many of us would want to go preaching the name of Jesus after being beaten and threatened? The apostles not only continued but rejoiced! This is the life of a true disciple, someone being led in an intimate way by the Holy Spirit. ‘Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…’ (See James 1:2-4).

If we would just believe, great things would be done in and through us–even greater works than Jesus performed (See John 14:2). Let me encourage you, brothers and sisters in Christ, to believe in the name of Jesus, to know that there is no other name by which you must be saved, and to live a life of obedience to God that you might bring great glory and honor to Him. Over time, you will be sanctified and made holy and blameless in the presence of God; then maybe the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon us to do ‘greater works than these.’